September 3, 2019 – Psalm 119:18
Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.
—Psalm 119:18
In all the great experiences of the soul, none is greater than genuine conversion, and it recreates the faculty of wonder.61 That is how the rod of God is sometimes sweet and blessed as the dew. It touches the dusty lanes of life, and they sparkle as on a morning in the May time. The world is never more beautiful or fresh, nor life more wonderful, nor loved ones dearer than after a season when the sky was darkened and we thought that everything was over.
The gospel, steadily and surely, has deepened the sense of wonder in humankind.
Our Christian faith has added to the mystery of everything. There is not a common word that we can use—sin, life, death, love, or duty—but has become a thousand times more awful since Jesus moved across the fields of Galilee. For the pagan, life was a brief journey; for the Christian, it is the prelude to eternity. For the pagan, death was a forgetting; for the Christian, it is heaven or it is hell. For the old pagan, sin was folly; for the Christian, sin is an infinitely guilty thing in the eyes of a holy God. It is a religion of joy and peace and power. And yet at the heart of a peace too deep for words is a mystery that humankind can never fathom. In the presence of a mystery like that, one can only wonder. We must cease speaking, we must bow. We must say to our hearts, Keep silence before God. And that is what the faith of Christ has done and is doing. It has recreated wonder by the mystery that it has found in common words like sin and life and death and love and duty.
Our Christian faith has shown us love at the heart of everything. And wherever love is, whether in heaven or earth, wonder is never far away. That little child asleep in its mother’s arms is an ordinary little mortal. But to its mother, it is a wonderful child because she loves it so. And so with Christ—once we have learned to love him and to experience his love to us, there falls a newness of wonder on everything. I know that God is power—but he may be power and still leave me cold. I know that God is justice—and yet infinite justice can never win my heart. God is love, the world is made in love, and every touch of his hand on me is love—and immediately I cry in adoration, “He will be called Wonderful!”
—George H. Morrison
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